
Don't take it personally

Running Elev8 on Tizen Emulator

with 4 comments

On my last post I ran Elev8 on the Tizen Developer Device. This device is ARM based, so the entire build was done for ARM. Now we’ll build Elev8 and the V8 lib to run on the Tizen Emulator, that is i386 based. Only a few tricks are needed to do this task and I’ll show them here.

The Tizen Emulator is installed with Tizen SDK, follow the Tizen Emulator Documentation to learn how to create and start a virtual machine. On this same documentation you’ll learn how to open a shell on that.

By default, the EFL and Elementary are not installed on the created virtual machine, and the /etc/apt/source.list points to a machine that isn’t accessible to outsiders. So apt-get commands don’t work. To make the installation of those packages easier I added the same repository used by SBS on /etc/apt/source.list and I installed those with apt-get.

sdb shell
echo "deb \
slp2-target main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/source.list
apt-get update
apt-get install efl-dev libelm-dev

Now, we’ll take similar steps to those we took on the last post. But replacing arm with ia32 on the libv8 make command and adding -A i386 on SBS command lines to set it to i386 environment.

# Get and compile v8 on SBS i386 target
git clone git://
cd v8
make dependencies
sbs -A i386 -e make ia32.release library=shared

# Create libv8 deb file
mkdir -p tmp/usr/lib
cp out/ia32.release/ tmp/usr/lib/
cp -r include tmp/usr
cd tmp/
tar -czf ../libv8.tar.gz .
cd -
fakeroot alien libv8.tar.gz

# Install libv8 on SBS i386 target
sbs -A i386 -et dpkg -i libv8_1-2_all.deb

# Send libv8 to and install on Tizen Emulator
sdb push libv8_1-2_all.deb root/
sdb shell dpkg -i root/libv8_1-2_all.deb
cd ..

# Install efl-dev and elementary packages on SBS arm target
sbs -A i386 -et apt-get -y install efl-dev libelm-dev

# Get Elev8 from enlightenment svn repository and compile it
svn checkout
cd elev8
sbs -A i386 -e ./ --prefix=/usr
sbs -A i386 -e make
sbs -A i386 -e make install DESTDIR=$(pwd)/tmp

# Create elev8 deb file
cd tmp
tar -czf ../elev8.tar.gz .
cd -
fakeroot alien elev8.tar.gz

#Send elev8 to and install on Tizen Emulator
sdb push elev8_1-2_all.deb root/
sdb shell dpkg -i root/elev8_1-2_all.deb
cd ..

# Running a example
sdb shell elev8 /usr/share/elev8/data/javascript/anim.js

That’s all folks!

Written by mello

July 3, 2012 at 12:56 pm

Posted in Elev8, Tizen

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4 Responses

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  1. Hey mello, do you work at Samsung? What’s your real name?


    July 26, 2012 at 7:52 am

    • Hi markovtsev, Mello is my family name and my first name is Fabio. I work at ProFUSION with EFL, Elev8, Tizen applications among others.


      July 26, 2012 at 12:10 pm

  2. Hi, Mello. Tell me please, in Emulator manger HW virtualization is disabled, how to fixed?
    $egrep -c ‘(vmx|svm)’ /proc/cpuinfo
    Output of the command is 0, the CPU does not support HW virtualization.
    But Ubuntu is a Virtual machine (maybe that is a problem??)

    And another question, is it possible to work with Elev8 in Windows?


    April 8, 2013 at 9:33 am

    • Since Tizen was updated I left the emulator and I use only the developer device. And about windows, theres a long time that I don’t use. So, sorry, but I can’t help you at this moment. But I’m sure that there a lot of people on Tizen and EFL community that can help.


      April 8, 2013 at 2:08 pm

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